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/* coding layout with micke */
/* coding gallery and text section
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/* coding gallery and text section
with micke */
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border line on table section - here none color-- */
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/* coding dropdown in header with micke */
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/* coding footer with micke */
/* coding JS footer with micke */
let year = document.querySelector("#year");
$(document).ready(function () {
year.innerText = new Date().getFullYear();
/* coding JS footer with micke */
/* coding text scroll with micke */
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border: 1px;
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overflow-y: auto;
text-align: left;
/* coding text scroll with micke */
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<h2 class="text-medium" id="program">The speed of light</h2>
<div class="scroll"><p class="button_2">
<B>Modern Quantum Mechanics</B> are written in one way to find the speed of light
corresponding what the light speed is in nature. This know how is important for
the future of nature science, hightech development
and human nature resource. Through this work of investigation I can confirm
that there are no photons going up in the S-orbital in <ins>Hydrogen</ins> and that there exists
one another speed of light on Hydrogen atoms surface, then whatīs known today.
Self I hope through this paper to become a doctor in medicine and/or medical
physiology. Max Planck (1858-1947). M. Planck received 1919 the Noble Prize in
Physics for year 1918 <cite>"in recognition of the service he rendered to the
advancement of physics by his descovery of the enery quanta"</cite> [13]. He also proposed that light energy travels in
discrete packed called quanta. Before M. Planck`s work with blackbody
radiation, light energy was from classical ideas throught
to be continuous, but this left many nature phenomena unexplained. While
working out the mathematic to the blackbody radiation he discovered the energy
quantum <cite>h</cite> (wirkungquantum)
in the year 1900. These where later verified by other scientist and it where
the basis of an entirely new field of modern physics, known as Quantum
Mechanics, which could explain the atomic structure of matter in all atoms and
molecules. The constant <cite>h</cite> takes the energy pro Js of one
revolution or frequency Hz, and itīs the smallest unbreakable energy of light
quanta. M. Planckīs conclusion gives us the quantum hypothesis, which stated a
discontinuities and precision with the all nature
processes. This conclusion has developed through Nils Bohr (1885-1962) modern
quantum theory, which includes also the old classical mechanics and old
principles of electrodynamics. M. Planck was honorary member of the science
academy (1922). Today Max Planck honors the institute of Modern Physics in
Berlin. The speed of light and the behavior of the electron is the central
dogma in atomic theory and the description of nature. This essay will take up
modern theoretical studies of the Hydrogen atom through this understand the
difference when the electron has relativistic action at first orbital and when
itīs on rest or donīt do any work at Hydrogen surface. The design and
development of photonspeed at Hydrogen surface is the
only true lightspeed for hightech and the scientific.
Download Modern Quantum Mechanics, Hydrogen 2024.</p>
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