Quantum qubits computing

Modern Quantum Mechanics descibe the nature of atoms and there behaviour. According to the relativistic quantum field theory, matter consists of particles called fermions [half-odd integral spin], and forces are mediated by the interaction or the exchange of other particles called bosons [whole integral spin]. In the standard model, the basic fermions come in three families, with each family made up of certain quarks and leptons (electrons), and each of these particles has an antiparticle. The first family of the standard model consists of low-mass quarks and leptons, which consist of the up↑ and down↓ quarks, and the electron and its neutrino (positron). Quarks interact with each other and other particles through the strong forces, and the leptons interact with other particles through the weak forces, the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force. The quarks are binding into simple triplets to form neutrons [↓↑↓] and protons [↑↓↑], which bind together to form nuclei, which binds together to electrons to form atoms and molecules. The proton has an intrinsic angular momentum (spin), and thus a magnetic flux moment. The antiproton is also called a negatively proton. It differs from the proton when cancelled out with the electron to having a negative charge. The antiproton is stable in vacuum and does not decay spontaneously. When antiproton collides in particle accelerators with neutron, the two particles are transformed into mesons; positively and negatively pions. According to classical mechanic, particles such as an electron with starting at a given location would still have exactly one location at each subsequent instant, and the sequence of all those location together will give us its trajectory. Quantum computing theory describes it as traveling on a range of trajectories simultaneously. A particle behavior like the electron doing this is in a superposition of location. One application of quantum computing that are practical today is quantum key computed cryptography which provides cryptographic systems whose absolute security, will never be compromised by future increases in computer power and/or mathematical ingenuity. The future research of advanced quantum computing will develop the quantum bits computer. These qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, unlike todays digital computers. Quantum computer has the potential to compute much larger number of calculations in parallel, speeding time to its resolution.